Gamers! v2c6 part 2

Hello and welcome back to “very late updates” by qbomb! On this episode, we finally finish Gamers v2, and get to announce that I am now back to translating Youkoso after a short break! Thank you everyone for waiting patiently, and now that my summer job is wrapping up, I should have some more time in the coming few weeks.

Also, if you haven’t seen the blog post that my editor, Candy-sama, has made, please check it out! We’ve recently created a discord, and it’d be great if you would join.

Here is part 2 and the full chapter; and v3 should start up very soon.

Two notes from me, unrelated from the chapter:

  1. Lately I have been seeing some adfly links as referrals. If you are the owner of these adfly link, please take them down. I do not want my content to be monetized, as I am providing this for free. Also, if you’ve seen an adfly url linking to my content somewhere, please tell me where the link is hosted.
  2. I have been contacted by someone in the past week through my website (I do not get these often, so if you are the person who has contacted me, it is you-I don’t wish to divulge private information), but could not reply because the email seemed to be incorrect and it got bounced back to me. If this is you, please contact me again or PM me on discord. Thanks! (also, it was an outlook email, if that helps).

53 thoughts on “Gamers! v2c6 part 2

  1. It was hilarous 😀 . I think that i like this novel more than before. My opinion before was that it was somewhat stupid, but I think that it is stupidly funny now. I loled so much with this chapter :D, I’m waiting for the next novel, thx for translating this.


  2. I’m really hoping this project continues, it’s so refreshing to read a romance story so fun and full of misundertandings. If there needs any help please say so, just please don’t drop it.


  3. I’m just interested in knowing why you dropped the series? Does anyone know? He hasn’t said much in the comments. It’s already been dropped once. The series doesnt deserve this. It deserves better. I’m very disappointed and disheartened that youd drop it at such a point. I’d like to be able to continue and finish the series.


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